Friday, August 12, 2011

Starting Off

     I am going to try to do daily blogs here.  Will it work?  Absolutely not.  Being that consistent as a fourteen year old student going into high school seems all but impossible.  I will talk about all sorts of things.  Tech, music, books, movies, ect.  Hopefully it will be awesome.  If you like it, please come back often.  Also I will attempt to post links to every new post I create on twitter, we'll see how that works.
     A few more things about me:  I am an avid Apple fan. I will probably post about Apple quite a bit.  I also like music, so there will be a lot of random music facts interspersed within this.  Sorry if I after start rambling off in some math thing,  I tend to do that.
     Thanks for listening to me talk.

            Berk Ehrmantraut

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